
目前顯示的是 9月, 2019的文章

我在“未來的運輸”播客中學到的 #5個單詞

1.levitation磁懸浮: defined:  the  acts  of  rising  and  floating , or making someone  rise  or  float , in the  air  without any  physical   support . ex: A second coil, known as the  levitation  coil, sits above the vacuum chamber. 2.automation自動化: defined:  using a machine to do something instead of a human ex: We are trying to increase automation in the home while keeping the house an enjoyable place to live. 3.vacuum真空: defined:  a space that has had all the air and any other gases removed from it. ex: Edison knew that he had to create a vacuum inside the lightbulb. 4.resistance阻礙: defined:  a  force  that  acts  to  stop  the  progress  of something or make it  slower . ex. The car's speed was reduced by air resistance. 5.destination目的地: defined:  the  place  where someone is going or where something is being  sent  or taken. ex. The shipment should arrive at its destination in three days.


對我來說,口說和聽力一直是我最苦惱的, 因為常常因為看得懂卻不會說,就算聽得懂也答不出來, 所以也害怕用英文與人對談, 還記得有一次遇到外國人時,明明對方用簡單的英文與我溝通, 我卻一時緊張,吱吱嗚嗚也說不清楚, 後來經過這件事情之後,我有仔細思考過, 我發現我的口說能力和聽力能力有挺大的弱差, 因為當我在聽聽力的 時候, 可以大多聽懂內容,可是當我想要用英文口語的方式再表達一次考試的內容時, 我卻不能將心裡 所想的意思,說成句子。 其中口語和聽力有落差的主要原因在於, 從小到大都是習慣用閱讀讀英文, 沒有搭配聽力,除此之外主動講英文更是稀少 ! 所以用英文和說時,真的常常面臨很多的問題。

my new plan this year

Now it is a new semester!  I have a  plan need to finish. That is Japanese test-JLPT! Because when I was young I like Japanese very much, but I don't have any teacher to teach me. So it will be a very big  challenge for me to conquer.