
What makes a good life?

For some young people, they think that happiness comes from "rich, famous, and accomplished." However, research shows that those who can live longer and have better health in the future are those who People who value relationships with family, friends, communities, and relationships. Indeed! "Life is so short, we have no time to quarrel, justify, and get angry. We should spend our time treating our family or friends better." With their company, we can rely on them when we are in trouble. In addition, good relationships not only protect our bodies, but they also protect our brains and keep our memories longer and clearer. Therefore, maintaining a good family or social relationship can make us live healthier and happier! I really agree with what the speaker said! Because at the end of life, the people who can accompany themselves are still their families. They support me and care for me so that I can rely on them to focus more on what I do at work. This is indeed

#7 Inside the Mind of A Master Procrastinator vocaroo

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#7 Inside the Mind of A Master Procrastinator

1.  Procrasti nator (n.) 拖延者 :  :someone who keeps delaying things that must be done e.x: I never buy my gifts until Christmas Eve because I'm a procrastinator. 2.Instant gratification (即時行樂)    :immediately satisfaction ex. Some  people   expect   instant  gratification  (= to get what they  want   immediately ) . 3. propagate  (verb.)   使繁殖   :to produce  a new  plant   from a  parent   plant   ex: Most   house   plants  can be propagated from  stem   cuttings . 4. propagating (verb) 傳播  :to spread opinions, lies, or beliefs among a lot of people ex. Most  house   plants  can be propagated from  stem   cuttings . 5. hypothesis (noun.)  假設 : an  idea  or  explanation  for something that  is  based  on  known   facts  but has not y et   been  proved   ex. Several hypotheses for  global   warming  have been  suggested . Summarize : For everyone, everyone is a procrastinator! First of all, people tend to interpret complex tasks too simply,

TED Talk: The power of passion and perseverance

In this motivated speech, I've learned 5 new words: 1. struck The past simple and past participle of strick. 2. stratospheric relating  to the  stratosphere   (= the  layer  of  gases   surrounding  the  earth  at a  height  of between 15 and 50  kilometers ) 3.perspective to  think  about a  situation  or  problem  in a  wise  and  reasonable  way. 4.military relating  to or  belonging  to the  armed   forces . 5.stamina the  physical  and/or  mental   strength  to do something that might be  difficult  and will take a  long   time . The power of passion and   perseverance: Enthusiasm drives people to focus more on one thing and is willing to pay more time and effort than the average person to achieve. Introduce the talk Willpower usually has nothing to do with talent. Sometimes even inversely proportional. At present, the best way to exercise your child's willpower is to "growth thinking mode". This model believes that learning

Can you trust a smart speaker?

 (A) Do you have a smart speaker at home? No, but I have an iphone8! It is a smart speaker too. (B) What is a smart speaker?  These smart speakers enable us to do a variety of different things from controlling wireless-enabled lights to ordering various products and takeaways online as well as providing information like the weather forecast, time, date, and many more things. And they can also stream music to the speakers themselves. In fact they are what is termed, virtual assistants. (C) How does a smart speaker work? The key to the operation of smart speakers is the voice recognition technology that is used. Using voice recognition, it is possible for the smart speaker to understand what is being said and act upon it. References: https://24h.pchome.com.tw/store/DYAJ9Y https://www.techradar.com/news/best-smart-speakers

Commonts of the Hyperloop sysyem

  Hyperloop sysyem! It's speed is faster than the high-speed rail, which brings cities close together.How fast ? For example That's quick enough to go from London to Edinburgh in 45 minutes. Strengths: 1. No or little friction or wear problems. 2. It can rotate at super high speed. 3. There is very little vibration and noise. 4. It can be used in special environments without lubricating oil.  Risks: 1. E xpe nsive. 2. When the power is cut off, there is a need for countermeasures for the failure of the control unit. Therefore, the super-loop train will indeed change our lives! Not only improve the quality of life, but also bring convenience!If Taiwan develops a super-loop train in the future, I will definitely want to experience it! References: https://www.dezeen.com/2019/08/07/mumbai-pune-hyperloop-virgin-maharashtra-india/ https://tw.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20060210000013KK01576&guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3

我在“未來的運輸”播客中學到的 #5個單詞

1.levitation磁懸浮: defined:  the  acts  of  rising  and  floating , or making someone  rise  or  float , in the  air  without any  physical   support . ex: A second coil, known as the  levitation  coil, sits above the vacuum chamber. 2.automation自動化: defined:  using a machine to do something instead of a human ex: We are trying to increase automation in the home while keeping the house an enjoyable place to live. 3.vacuum真空: defined:  a space that has had all the air and any other gases removed from it. ex: Edison knew that he had to create a vacuum inside the lightbulb. 4.resistance阻礙: defined:  a  force  that  acts  to  stop  the  progress  of something or make it  slower . ex. The car's speed was reduced by air resistance. 5.destination目的地: defined:  the  place  where someone is going or where something is being  sent  or taken. ex. The shipment should arrive at its destination in three days.